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ANIMA-STRATH® Fortifying

ANIMA-STRATH® Fortifying

100% Natural Feed Supplement for all animals



Feed supplement for all animals

ANIMA-STRATH® | Feed supplement for all animals

Anima-Strath® is a natural tonic and feed supplement based on the high-quality Strath herbal yeast, 100% natural for all animals.

Prepared in a modern Swiss laboratory, according to a patented process based on proven scientific research, Anima-Strath® does not contain artificial additives or chemical conservation agents.

It presents a good tolerance and can be administered without interruption, for there it is not addictive.

The dosage can be adjusted on a case-by-case basis depending on the needs of the animal.

Its full composition comprises 61 different vital substances (20 amino acids, 11 vitamins, 19 minerals/trace elements and 11 building substances) in biological balance. These substances stimulate digestion and therefore the maximum use of the feed.

  • Increases and strengthens resistance / immune defences - protects against infections
  • Helps provide a healthy and bright coat and plumage - provides support during the changes of spring and summer
  • Stimulates the appetite, balances the digestive system and increases its efficiency - promoting a healthy intestinal flora and improves the digestibility of foods, promoting the absorption of essential nutrients
  • Improves vitality - speeds recovery after illness by decreasing the period of convalescence
  • It stimulates and supports the entire metabolism - ideal for breeding and rearing, promoting growth and balanced development
  • Improves power supply to muscles - ideal for sports activities, improves performance and shortens the recovery phase after sporting performances
  • Regulates and balances the nervous system - helps in stress situations and nervousness or unfamiliar surroundings of power.


Pharmacy Product National Code (CNP) Presentation Content Features
6336024 Liquid 30ml Bottle
7708412  Liquid 100ml Bottle
6500280  Liquid 250ml Bottle
6500272  Liquid 1 L Bidon
   Liquid 5 L Bidon

What makes Anima-Strath® unique?

Anima-Strath® provides 61 vital substances incorporated into fermented yeast cells that guarantee high bioavailability and absorption. The natural balance of its composition reactives and supports any horse metabolism. It is 100% natural, contains no preservatives or any other artificial additives.

What is the origin of the Anima-Strath®?

Anima-Strath® is produced in Switzerland from a patented process which gives a unique combination of fermented yeast and medicinal plants, while remaining true to the 100% natural philosophy for more than 50 years.

How is Anima-Strath® produced?

Natural yeast cells of the "Saccharomyces cerevisiae Meyen" type are used in the production process of the Anima-Strath® Feed Supplements. The yeast cells are combined with 50 selected herbal extracts in the special Strath procedure. A critical step in the manufacturing process is the plasmolysis of the yeast cells. The plasmolysis is achieved when effected the fermentation of the yeast cells, a natural process that occurs during 10 days. The fermentation process opens up the yeast cells so that their precious content can be taken up by the body. The resulting unique Strath herbal yeast contains numerous nutrients and vital substances.

What is the dosage for each type of animal?

Depending on size of the animal the recommended daily dose varies:

• Small pets (<15 kg) - Ex: dogs, cats, rodents, birds, fish, reptiles: 2.5 ml / day (1/2 teaspoon);

• Medium animals (15-35 kg) - Ex: dogs, goats and sheep: 5 ml / day (1 teaspoon);

• Large Animals (35-50 kg) - Ex: pigs, calves: 10 ml / day (2 tsp);

• Large Animals (>50 kg) - Ex: cattle, cowes, horses: 20 ml / day (4 teaspoons).

The dosage may be increased if required - in the case of breeding, pregnancy, growth phase or convalescence.

It can be administered for long periods of time without any risk of overdose or addiction.

How to administer Anima-Strath-Strath®?

It can be administered in several ways:

• Natural - directly in the mouth with syringe, spoon, etc;

• Mixed in the daily ration;

• Mixed in water.

Caution: If mixed in water, it must be renewed at least once per day, not to alter the organoleptic properties of the product or create deposit.

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